For the assessment, we will be working with our partner's hairstyles that they have designed and we will be creating them on them. Ashleigh's design contains lots of different textures, including crimps, curls and plaits. Her design is a french plait on the left coming back to the nape of the neck and pinned with hair grips. The right side of the hair is loose, with different sections crimped, curled, plaited, left loose and sprayed red.

Below is the step by step that Ashleigh provided me with:
Large curling iron
Sectioning comb
Sectioning clips
Hair grips
Pearled bobby pins
Red colour hairspray
Step by step guide:
- Begin by placing the parting more to the left
hand side of the head
- Create a French plait on the left side of the
head and pin when you reach the nape of the neck
- With the rest of the hair, create clean
layers of, working from the bottom up, using a sectioning comb and sectioning
- Take your first layer and alternately crimp
and curl the hair in sections, leaving some bits loose and untouched
- Using the red hairspray, spray a section or
two of hair in the layer, ensuring to hold a piece of paper behind it to stop
the colour from running anywhere else
- Repeat this method for the other layers until
the whole head is crimped, curled, and coloured in various sections
- When
you reach the top layer of hair, back comb it underneath at the roots and then
create three normal plaits within the very top section
- Once the whole head is crimped and curled,
spray with hairspray
- Going back to the French plait, take your
pearled bobby pins and pin them into the middle of the plait, creating a row of
pearls down the center