Wednesday 20 November 2013

My Journey with the Elizabethans - My Final Hair Design #2

Previously I posted further experimentations of my final hair design for my assessment.  After that I purchased some already crimped hair pieces that were the closest match to my hair colour that I could find.  I also purchased some pop socks and wadding.
When creating my hair pieces, I began by stuffing the pop socks with wadding and pushing it about to make a bow shape.  I then tied the ends of the pop socks and wrapped the hair pieces around them, and tied them to the pop socks as well.  I made the two bow parts separately, with the aim to then join them together to make just one hair piece, however I could not find a way to do this effectively without ruining the already made pieces.

I then practiced my final look using the hair pieces to see how it will turn out.  I think that the design worked well on me and this is the method that I am going to describe to my partner for the assessment.

Communicating my design to my partner:
So that my partner, Ashleigh, can create my hair design in the way that I want her to, I have created a pack for her.  The pack includes my initial collage of the design, my hair charts that I made, the images displayed above of how I want the outcome to look and a step by step guide of how to create my look.  This is explained below:

Equipment needed:
9mm curling iron
Sectioning comb
Sectioning clips
Hair grips
Bobby pins
Hair piece

Step by step guide:
- Begin by separating the front section of hair from the rest (using behind the ears as guidelines)
- Separate the section again into small sections to create a row of pin curls
- Using the curling irons, create the pin curls and pin into place on top of the forehead using hair grips
REMEMBER: remove the hair grips just before the end
- Tie the rest of the hair back into a tight ponytail and secure with a hairband
- Create a bun with the hair from the ponytail, leaving two small sections of hair out of the bun
- Secure the bun using hair grips and bobby pins
- Crimp the loose sections of hair
- Attach the bow hair pieces to the front of the bun using hair grips and bobby pins
- Pin the two pieces together in the middle and cover the middle section with a spare piece of synthetic crimped hair

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