Sunday 17 November 2013

My Journey with the Elizabethans - My Final Hair Design

For my final hairstyle, I have decided to go with the bow design.  This is because I found that it worked best in my initial experimentations, and it is also what I would class as my best definition of a contemporary Elizabethan look.  I would say this because my other two designs were either too contemporary or too Elizabethan, whereas this design has a good balance between the two.

When I initially trialled this design, I crimped my hair and created the bow from that (see post 'Experimenting with my Designs' for my thoughts on how that attempt went).  After that experimentation, I was advised that making a hair piece for my bow might be an effective way to get the look exactly as I want it when my partner creates the design on me in the assessment.  This is because I know how to create a hair bow with precision and the detail that I want, whereas my partner might not be as confident in this area of styling.
Taking this advise on board, I took some old extensions to see how a hair piece might work with this design.
- I began by taking the extensions and creating a bow shape out of them.
- I then started on my own hair, separating the front section of hair and creating a row of pin curls.
- Then I pulled the rest of my hair back and pinned it up into a bun that was flat to my head.
- I finished off by pinning the hair extensions in the bow shape to the bun that was on top of my head.
I felt that the process of this method was really effective and simple to achieve my desired look.  The aesthetic feel of this look was not the best, as the hair piece did not match my hair colour and I had not made it to be a proper hair prop.  Also the positioning of the hair grips on the pin curls is faulty, and that will be worked on.  However I think that the use of a hair piece will be taken forward with my final design.

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