Wednesday 9 October 2013

Elizabethan Hair Quote - My Understanding

"To make the hair yellow as golde. Take the rine or scrapings of Rubarbe, and stiepe it in white wine, or in cleere lie; and after you have washed your head with it, you shall weatte your hairs with a Spoonge or some other cloth, and let them drie by the fire, or in the sunne; after this weatte them and drie them againe."

-  Giovanni Ruscelli, The secretes of reverende maister Alexis of Piemount, 1568

The quote above is a quote about Elizabethan people and the lengths that they would go to in order to achieve the hair colour that they desired.  Today it is really easy for us to change the colour and style of our hair without it taking absolutely ages or causing too much damage to our hair.  I found this quote really interesting because it shows just how much hair care has changed over the centuries, all thanks to recent research and developments.  Below are a few contemporary images that I thought related to the quote quite well.

When reading the quote, I imagine long, flowing, golden or auburn coloured hair.  This is because the quote mentions words and phrases such as 'yellow as golde', 'fire' and 'sunne' which are all words that represent warm colours such as yellows and oranges.  Below are a few images that I have collected to represent what the quote makes me think of.


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